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There is little change to the previous method of entering donations using the TogetherAuction software. If you are offering a Dinner, an event under Parties, Performances, and Events, or a class under Lessons and Workshops please read In-Person Event Donor Instructions.  Also see special donor instructions for Goodies to Eat, and Jewelry.

COVID Guidelines
This year, the Auction Committee is not making specific restrictions related to COVID. However, we ask that hosts of in-person events follow the CDC Guidelines in place at the time of the event. You may also add further requirements if you choose, possibly at the request of your guests (such as requiring a negative COVID test on the day of the event).

Note: You do not need a Paddle Number (Bidder Number) to browse the catalog or to enter a donation, but you will need one to enter bids. If you have participated in previous TVUUC auctions, you will have a Bidder Number, but you do not need to remember it!  The auction program should recognize you when you log on and it will automatically use the number you were assigned in the past. 

To find your existing Bidder Number, log into the Auction website as described below. Click on My Statement at the top of the screen and then look for Items Purchased. If you have a Bidder Number, it will be shown here.

(Hint:   Make sure you log in using the same phone number you used last year. If you want to use a different phone number, you may need a different Bidder Number.  In this case, contact the Auction Committee before the  

We recommend that you contact the Auction Committee to request a Bidder Number before December 1 (verify) if you need one. If you attempt to enter a bid and you do not have a Bidder Number, the website will prompt you to ask for one by email. After you have received your number, you may enter your bid. The website will use the same Bidder Number when you log in under your phone number and name.   

 auction opens.)


We create change: in ourselves, in the world.

Seven days a week, Unitarian Universalists (UUs) live their faith by doing. Whether in community with others or as an individual, we know that active, tangible expressions of love, justice, and peace are what make a difference. By embracing these ideals that go beyond individual belief systems, we are creators of positive change in people and in the world.

These are the ways in which we practice:

  • Worship & inspiration—Sunday mornings and beyond.
  • Action & service—volunteering and work for justice.
  • Connection & care—caring outreach, mutual support, and small groups for adults, youth, families, and children.
  • Celebrations & rites of passage—weddings, memorials/funerals, baby blessings, coming-of-age, and child dedications.

While we do not share a common creed or doctrine, one of the ways we hold ourselves together in community is through our covenant – a set of promises we make to about how we will be together and treat each other. Each Unitarian Universalist congregation develops their own covenant. Ours reads like this:

“We covenant with each other, promising our goodwill and honest effort, pledging our care and support to one another and to our church community, challenging one another to live in accord with our Unitarian Universalist principles.”

With this common purpose as our source, we covenant:

  • to welcome all who come to us with acceptance and respect for the differences among us, and to remain open to the richness and discomforts of diversity;
  • to listen with sincerity and love;
  • to foster trust, practice patience and speak one’s truth directly and with compassion;
  • to reflect carefully about the potential results of our words and actions before we speak or act;
  • to assume the positive intent of others and keep our discussions to topics and issues rather than personalities;
  • to acknowledge that we may not always agree with the group decisions, but we will support and participate in decision-making processes that are collaborative and democratic; and be open to compromise;
  • to pursue a mutually satisfying resolution when there is disagreement, and seek help when needed;
  • to speak directly to those with whom we have disagreements and encourage others to do the same;
  • to speak out with loving kindness when we witness disrespectful interactions, acknowledging our fallibility and practicing forgiveness;
  • to act with loving kindness, seeking to promote justice, equity, and compassion;
  • to understand that building our beloved community requires ongoing learning and practice of courageous acts of love an d reconciliation.